With photos like this it is clear Ms. Cyrus is serious about not wanting attention. Also Jennifer Hudson takes the stand in her family's murder trial and Hasbro pulls the bait and switch. These and other links await your clicking pleasure.
Nicki Minaj returns to Twitter nine days after swearing off the site forever. - [MTV]
Reddit takes on Billboard subverting/becoming-one-with the system. - [GeekSugar]
Goyte tries to save his indie cred while cashing in on mainstream fame by bashing "Glee" cover. - [DeathAndTaxes]
NYTimes proves their reader's idea of "the rent it too high" is laughably out of touch. - [Gothamist]
Mexico City is now treating recyclable trash for food. - [FastCoexist]
Jennifer Hudson takes the stand at her family's murder trial. - [BET]
Only six people on Earth have enough money to accurately fill Scrooge McDuck's infamous money tower. - [ShortList]
Rare Philippines crab species discovered, almost too pretty to eat. Almost. - [Geekosystem]
Hasbro asks blogger for address to send him swag, sends lawyers instead. - [FilmDrunk]
Headline Story: Nothing says "I want privacy" like posting Instagram photos of yourself in lingerie. - [HuffingtonPost]