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15 Reasons Earth Is The Most Terrifying Place Ever


Nature is, and always will be, stronger than you are.

Gravity is always making shit fall.

Gravity is always making shit fall.

Rock slides like this one in Switzerland are rare to witness, but they happen all the time. This specific fall is estimated to be about 2200 cubic meters of stone (aka 12 million pounds!)

DonQuijoteTV / Via youtube.com

And gravity will roll enormous boulders through your house.

And gravity will roll enormous boulders through your house.

An entire house didn't stop this rolling boulder from hell.

ODN / Via youtube.com

Volcanic holes of molten rock are a real, non-CGI thing:

Volcanic holes of molten rock are a real, non-CGI thing:

Even the hovering drone that filmed this, didn't survive to tell the tale.

National Geographic / Via youtube.com

Sometimes, that molten rock can literally flow into the backyard of your Hawaiian vacay rental.

Sometimes, that molten rock can literally flow into the backyard of your Hawaiian vacay rental.

The lava here is probably about 750ºC.

USGS / Getty Images

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