“Thank you for lifting my spirits every time I stopped my bus, you always made me smile.”
Missy was a 13-year-old cat who would hang out at a bus stop in Leigh Park, England, each day. Missy was there so often that she became a fixture and commuters would look forward to seeing her every day.
Solent News & Photo Agency
His daughter, Karen Wells, told The Telegraph the extent of Missy's injuries.
From what I can gather, all her teeth were out except two and one was hanging in by a thread, she had a hemorrhage behind one of her eyes, a fractured skull and a fractured jaw.
She had to be put down that day. The vets did not know whether they could save the eye and she was in a lot of pain and the best thing was to put her to sleep, but my mum and dad were distraught.
Solent News & Photo Agency
On Monday, after the community caught wind of Missy's death, several locals went to the bus stop and made a makeshift memorial for the beloved cat.
Solent News & Photo Agency