Because by the time the 137th presidential debate rolls around, you want to find something else to watch.
House of Cards
What's it about?: With only slightly more backstabbing than real politics (heyo!), House of Cards is a darkly soapy look at the lives of the most powerful people in the nation and the lengths to which they'll go in order to ascend the political ladder.
You should watch if: You've got a taste for betrayal in your political tales and love watching impeccably dressed people shoot daggers with their eyes.
How to watch: The first three seasons are now streaming on Netflix. The fourth season will be released on March 4.
What's it about?: Borgen catalogues the rise of a Danish politician as she, unexpectedly, becomes the nation's first female Prime Minister. Yes, it's Danish. Yes, that means there are subtitles. But don't let that deter you; even if you know nothing about Danish politics, it's wildly compelling.
You should watch if: You want a little European flair in your TV viewing habits and are looking for a political show that captures the home lives of the elite as well as it does their work lives.
How to watch: You can find the entire series on iTunes.
The West Wing
What's it about?: An exemplar of characters performing so-called "walk and talks," The West Wing chronicles the administration of president Josiah Bartlet and the staff around him. The series often draws on real-world issues, from nuclear proliferation to oil prices.
You should watch if: You want to witness numerous incredible actors (Sheen! Janney!) at the top of their game and aren't afraid of Aaron Sorkin's (occasionally-maligned) fast-paced style of dialogue.
How to watch: You can purchase all seven seasons on Amazon or stream them on Netflix.
Parks and Recreation
What's it about?: This series presents the trials and tribulations of small-town government and lead character Leslie Knope's (Amy Poehler) altruistic aspirations, which often come to pass in spite of her fellow employees at the Parks and Recreation department in the town of Pawnee, Indiana.
You should watch if: You're tired of political cynicism and want to see someone who actually loves their job in government and genuinely believes that politics can make a difference.
How to watch: The series can be streamed on Netflix.