There are now Teslas for kids and I’m still driving my mom’s car.
This commercial for the kids' version of a Tesla Model S is just like a real car commercial, except in a world where adults are actually children with expensive clothes.
It's pretty much just a real car.
A normal car, with fancy paint and chrome rims, racing along the road. Wait, is that a giant sitting in the back of the car??
Nope, it's just a child in a velour bomber jacket who has two things I want desperately (a nice car and dimples).
This "toy car" has a lithium-ion battery, a personalized license plate, and working headlights -- everything you need to get the most out of playing. Or commuting to work.
Why is that little girl wearing a sweater set?? Why is the little boy honking and swerving??
You can connect this "toy car" to a music player to blast some tunes (or listen to podcasts) as you drive to the playground...
"Dad, did you hear the most recent This American Life? Such good social commentary this week."