Because Parkour and Lip Dub are amazing, but these are the ones you may have overlooked.
BEFORE WE BEGIN: Each cold open is ranked out of five Dundies. Let's get started!
Season 2, Episode 3, "Office Olympics"
The Office's very first cold open. Michael wants an early morning breakfast sandwich, and of course makes Ryan hand deliver it. Ryan ends up taking a nap in his car as Michael chows down on his breakfast.
Most memorable line: Michael: "I'm an early bird and I'm a night owl, so I'm wise and I have worms."
Season 2, Episode 22, "Casino Night"
Jim (with Pam's help, of course) convinces Dwight that he has telekinetic powers.
Most memorable moment: Pam: "That's a nice tux."
Dwight: "I know, it was my grandfather's. He was buried in it so... family heirloom."