“Girl’s Day” in China was supposed to be a way for boys on college campuses to show the girls how much they care. This year it went too far.
Have you heard about "Girl's Day?" It's a big holiday for Chinese college students. Every year on March 7, students throughout the country celebrate the day as a campus version of International Women's Day.
Kim Kyung Hoon / Reuters
Everywhere you look, male students are the main participants of the day. Try to walk into any Chinese campus on Girl's Day and you'll see this – countless red banners hung up along the streets on fences, buildings, anywhere you can imagine.
The banner could be as simple as "long live the goddesses from (a certain) school" like this one, which is kind of cute.
A female student posted this picture last year and wrote, "I'd be lying if I say I'm not moved (by this)."
Female students celebrate the day with their besties, but they are more on the receiving end of this holiday – this picture on Hubei University's Weibo account shows a group of male students waiting in front of the female dorms to provide breakfast.
Hubei University / Via weibo.com