We laughed, we cried, we shared.
Cat Copter
Posted: 6/3/2012
Viewcount: 1,296,784
People mourn the passing of loved furry friends in different ways, but I'm pretty sure this is a first.
Source: youtube.com / via: youtube.com
Fresh Impressions on Brandmarks (from my 5-year-old)
Posted: 1/29/2012
Viewcount: 1,454,459
Can you name a logo when you see it? This little girl breaks down a list of famous brand names in the most adorable way.
Source: youtube.com / via: youtube.com
Countdown (Snuggie Version)
Posted: 7/9/2012
Viewcount: 1,661,549
Beyonce's 'Countdown' gets snuggified.
Source: youtube.com
Reporter Scares Baby
Posted: 9/15/2012
Viewcount: 1,731,409
This reporter accidentally gave a report on a local family-fun farm while he was on site attempting to scare babies. He's since been placed on traffic duty.
Source: youtube.com / via: youtube.com