More like this please. Kudos to Emma for not letting anyone pressure her to change her body. Also, vegetarian orangutans have started eating tiny, adorable mammals. These and other buzz that we missed today await your clicking pleasure.
No orangutan! Don't eat that! - [HuffingtonPost]
Kids at political rallies look as bored as we all feel. - [Slate]
Oscars may choose to cut Muppets from the broadcast. Internet justifiably incensed. - [TheWeek]
Blurry video of a bear with fish wooly mammoth taken in Siberia. - [TheHairpin]
Scarlett Johansson needs to stop talking about politics. - [Celebitchy]
Denzel Washington was waterboarded just to see what it was like. - [Vulture]
Minecraft creator putting his millions to good use. - [1Up]
Turns out Americans want to be able to just walk to the damn store. - [GOOD]
Headline Story: Ms. Stone took some time off in Brazil over the weekend and a sneaky photog got some great shots. - [PopSugar]